Mission SLIMpossible

Roy Raoul Felipe, MD, FPCP, FPCEDM

“Who is that girl I see? Staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I was 30 pounds ago?” – Mulan


Weight management is a slippery slope. On one hand, we preach it harder than a gym bro with giant biceps saying “steroids are safe!”. Yet on the other hand, the practice of it seems entirely Sisyphean.

Here are three tips we may give our patients on the reality and truth of weight loss and weight management:

Some of us try to make rocket science out of weight loss but one simple fact will reign supreme and help us at the end of the day (despite over or under analysis of diets and meal plans): Calories in, calories out. When more calories are coming in than the calories we’re burning, we gain weight. When calories we eat are less than calories out and we’re at a caloric deficit consistently, we lose weight. Quick tip: watch them drinks!!!







How many of us have promised “this year I will do better!” and instantly sign up for a gym membership. We hit that treadmill (or stairmaster) harder than Leonidas giving a spartan kick. “I’m doing it. I’m finally going for it. This is the year I lose 3 inches off my waist line.” Then we go all out in our workouts for a few days – some even for a few weeks – then, after some time – slowly fizzle out. Workout burnout. When you are tired mentally, physically or emotionally, or when work is toxic, a hard workout is the last thing you want to think about.

That is why consistency is the key. Daily 20-minute walks will always beat an intense, 1 hour, once a week gym workout. Daily skipping on that fizzing, bubbly Coke will always trump an intense diet you do for only a month then no more. Consistently choosing to lessen sugar. Consistently choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Consistent small steps will always beat short sighted quick leaps.

One thing to bear in mind: consistency plus intensity is always the best option. Bear in mind though that it is always easier to preach than to practice it. Not all of us have the time and money. So when you’re only able to choose one, always choose consistency.


When choosing a workout, choose something you can sustain. Not everyone is into running. Why force it? Not everyone is into lifting weights. If you’re not into it, don’t force it. Instead choose a workout that is sustainable for you. Low intensity yoga? Well, if you do it sustainably – over a long period of months or years – then it beats the heck out of doing a triathlon but doing it just once. Jumping rope at home? Why not? As long as it keeps you moving, it doesn’t matter what type of workout you choose. Don’t worry. Keep moving, doing your own little preferred exercise whether it’s swimming, dancing, fencing, badminton. Do it over and over and over. Sustain it and you won’t regret it.



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Infographics created by Dr. Aoo Felipe (Instagram @aoofelipe). Follow PCEDM on Instagram @pcedm_ph.

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